VNTranslator is a tool for translating visual novels

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~ Features ~

Clipboard (Read Clipboard Text Automatically)
TextractorCLI (Integration with TextractorCLI)
Renpy Script (Get Dialog Text for Renpy Games)
OCR (Text Recognition for Video Games)

Translate to Any Language
Translation tools including Google Translate, DeepL, Papago, and Bing
Export and Import Translated Text
Translation Logs

Overlay Window
Auto Resize, Text transition with typing Effect, Customization (Fonts, Color, Background, Etc..)
Smart Filtering for TextractorCLI
Delay & Join Sentences, Custom Script, Regular Expression, Language Detection & Add Hook
** Extensions **
JParser (Converting Japanese sentence to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji)
Online Dictionary (Japanese-English with Jisho API)

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~ Quick Start ~

🔰 Clipboard (Read Clipboard Text Automatically)
Use third party software for text hooker and enable copy text to clipboard
Example : ITHVNR, Textractor, T-Hook Agent, XUnity Clipboard & Renpy Clipboard

🔰 TextractorCLI (Textractor is an x86 / x64 text hooker program)Step 1. Download Textractor
- Download from this link
- Extract the downloaded Textractor and copy the Textractor folder to C:\ Drive, or you can extract it to another drive
Step 2. VNTranslator Settings
- Click the Settings button
- In the left sidebar of the Settings window, click the **Modules ** button
- Open the TextractorCLI tab
- In the TextractorCLI Path field, enter the Textractor folder you have extracted
Example : C:\Textractor\x86\TextractorCLI.exe and C:\Textractor\x64\TextractorCLI.exeStep 3. Ready to Start
- In the Input / Modules of the main window, select the TextractorCLI option
- Then select the Game Process
- Press Start button
Notes :
Please make an exception for TextractorCLI.exe in both windows defender and anti-virus.
Don't open or run the Textractor program while using TextractorCLI in the VNTranslator.
Textractor ERROR, please check the issue on github :

🔰 Renpy Script (Only games made with RenPy Engine)Step 1. Download __VNTranslator-script.rpyc File
- Copy the __VNTranslator-script.rpyc file into the game folder ..\BrokenDreamers\game\ [here]
- Start a new game or continue the game (don't enabled clipboard voicing)
Step 2. Ready to Start
- In the Input / Modules of the main window, select the Renpy Script option
- Then select the Game Name
- Press Start button

🔰 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with TesseractStep 1. Download & Install Tesseract
- Download from this link (recommended tesseract-ocr-w64-setup-v5.x.x.exe 64 bit)
**Note : ** You can download the .traineddata file for the language you need from here and place it in Tesseract OCR installation directory (this should be the same as where the tessdata directory is installed)Step 2. VNTranslator Settings
- Click the Settings button
- In the left sidebar of the Settings window, click the **Modules ** button
- Open the OCR tab
- In the Tesseract Directory field, enter the Tesseract OCR installation directory
Example : C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCRStep 3. Ready to Start
- In the Input / Modules of the main window, select the OCR option
- Then select the Trained Data (Language)
- Press Start button
